Thursday, November 24, 2011


         Today as you cook and prepare for family and friends, don't forget to thank the Lord for your many blessings in your life. Some of lifes greatest blessing are sometimes overlooked in our day to day lives, Family, friends, fellowship, bountiful food, Salvation,and The Bible. Just to name a few. Here are my greatest blessings...
My Husband, my best friend.
Eryn Faith.

Elijah Raymond

Maryanna Grace 


Ephesians 5:20, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;"

Our greatest blessings.
So whatever food and family graces your table today, don't forget to thank the Lord for them.

1 comment:

Humble wife said...

Wonderful reminder! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! You have a lovely family and I am thankful that you take the time to share Him.

New Mexico